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What a fantastic music event this evening to celebrate their 10th Anniversary! Performance bringing the whole academy and community together 🥳!


Lots of fantastic student work in our art exhibition at tonight’s celebration.


Tonight we are celebrating 10 Years of Harris Academy Chobham with current and past students and staff along with our local community.


Wonderful to attend ’s 10 year anniversary celebration at Ulysses Place with . So many incredible performances and art displays from the children and a great community that’s come out to celebrate the school.Thanks for the invitation!


This letter went out earlier today, not sure why you did not receive it, contact academy reception via email on Monday to check your details. Have a good weekend.


Great start to our annual Governor Conference, choir.


String Ensemble welcome our Governors to the annual conference. “Strengthening Governance in Harris Academies”.


At today's Year 13 leavers assembly our Executive Principal, Francesca Perry, said goodbye to Year 13. She shared some memories and pictures from when some of the students were in her Year 6 class at Chobham!


This morning we held our traditional leavers breakfast and assembly for our Year 13 students before they start their examinations on Monday. Good Luck to all our students sitting public exams!


Great to have pop into the Community Organising training day and listen to some of the Ambassadors campaign ideas. Thank you for the questions!


Ready for day 1!!! 🏔️🎿🇮🇹


Ready for day 1!!! 🏔️🎿🇮🇹


Thank you to everyone who donated to our fundraiser! Our Christmas Elves (the amazing year 10 prefects) packed 20 bags of gifts for the children staying there over Christmas and a little something for the staff too 🎁 🌲


Thank you to everyone who donated to our fundraiser! Our Christmas Elves (the amazing year 10 prefects) packed 20 bags of gifts for the children staying there over Christmas and a little something for the staff too 🎁 🌲


10 days to go 💛Let's make this one bigger and brighter than ever before.


Talking about how we're feeling can make the world of difference. This we are partnering with to help .


Talking about how we're feeling can make the world of difference. This we are partnering with to help .


10 days to go 💛Let's make this one bigger and brighter than ever before.


Stormzy and HSBC fund 36 black Cambridge students

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















House System

We are mindful of the need for additional opportunities to enhance students’ experiences beyond what they encounter in the normal school day.

Our house system provides these opportunities. These are occasions where students can enjoy themselves and thrive in a competitive manner and by doing so develop into happy, resilient young people ready to face the world and able to participate, both within a team context and through leading others.

We are proud of our house system which gives students the chance to earn points and compete for their house and, by doing so, enjoy a sense of belonging. Students can earn house points in a variety of ways:

  • Through personal performance. Meeting academic targets, attending well and making positive contributions to school life will all earn house points
  • Through taking part in our programme of house events held throughout the year. These include inter-house sporting contests of various kinds as well as events such as ‘Chobham Bakeademy’, ‘Chobham Spelling Bee’ and ‘Chobopoly’.
  • Each year ends with the Chobham Sports Day in which all students are involved. This is a great annual occasion and a real celebration to end the academic year. Points earned on Sports Day are added to those gathered throughout the year in order to identify and crown our annual house champions.

Our houses are named in honour of people who we as a school community (both staff and students) are inspired by. We have six houses that are led by Ms Lodge. Let us welcome you to the Chobham Houses. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Miss Lodge our House co-ordinator.

Adichie House

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian novelist. She has written a series of short stories and non-fiction pieces including “Purple Hibiscus” and “That thing around your neck”. Chimamanda has also delivered TED talks, the most famous and viewed of which include of “The Danger of a Single Story” in 2009 and “We Should all be Feminists” in 2012.

“Racism should never have happened and so you don’t get a cookie for reducing it” Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Bannister House

Sir Roger Bannister was the first athlete to run a mile in under 4 minutes. His passion was to become a doctor and he later became a distinguished neurologist and became a Master at Pembroke College, Oxford before retiring in 1993.

“However ordinary each of us may seem, we are all in some way special, and can do things that are extraordinary, perhaps until then… even thought impossible” Sir Roger Bannister

Franklin House

Rosalind Franklin was an English chemist who made key contributions to the understanding of molecular DNA. She only lived to the age of 37. Many talk about the fact that she should have achieved a Nobel Prize in her lifetime for the work she had carried out.

“In my view, all that is necessary for faith is the belief that by doing our best, we shall succeed in our aims: the improvement of mankind” Rosalind Franklin

Himid House

Lubaina Himid CBE is a contemporary artist and curator. She is a professor and her art focuses on themes of cultural history and reclaiming identities.

“I have more things to say – this art gives me the chance” Lubaina Himid

Mandela House

Nelson Rohlilahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary political leader and philanthropist who served as president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country’s first black head of state and first elected in a fully representative democratic election.

“I never lose. I either win or learn” Nelson Mandela

Ramanujan House

Srinivasa Ramanujan was an Indian Mathematician who lived in India under British Rule. Without any formal training, he had made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory and infinite series alongside finding numerous solutions to mathematical problems that were previously considered unsolvable.

“We are merely explorers of infinity in the pursuit of absolute perfection” Srinivasa Ramanujan

  • 694 Bannister House
  • 914 Himid House
  • 927 Franklin House
  • 944 Ramanujan House
  • 988 Mandela House
  • 1279 Adichie House